Tour Tempo good product
I downloaded the app for my iphone. I also purchased the Tour Tempo frame counter. It was great to see my swing frame by frame. I am a 4 handicap and like most golfers sometimes my swing gets out of wack. I believe it is due to my tempo. Specifically on windy days where I feel the need to swing harder. I went to the range and listened to the tones while hitting a bucket of balls. I found the tones which worked with my swing and found I was making better contact with the ball. I then went to the bunker where I have been having problems. I used the short tones and found immediate results. I found out I was taking to long of a swing which was not helping me execute the shot. The short tones got me back into rhythm. I cant wait to get the micro player and try it out on the course. Like another person said in their review, the cost is not that expensive equating it to a few buckets of balls at the driving range. Add in the cost of private lessons and I think you are ahead of the game. I believe this product is great for the golfer who already understands their game and just needs to fine tune it when something breaks down in the timing of their swing.
Biglesworth about
Tour Tempo Total Game, v1.1